Jason J. Row
11 Apr


In recent years, the relationship between marijuana use and creativity has garnered significant attention. For many Fostoria photographers, including myself, incorporating cannabis into the creative process has led to enhanced inspiration and unique perspectives. In this blog post, we'll explore how smoking marijuana can elevate your photography and unlock new levels of creativity.

Exploring the Mind's Eye:

Smoking marijuana has long been associated with heightened sensory perception and altered states of consciousness. For Fostoria photographers, this means tapping into a more intuitive and imaginative mindset. Whether wandering through downtown Fostoria or exploring the factories on the outskirts of town, with inhibitions lowered and creativity heightened, you may find yourself more attuned to the subtle nuances of light, color, and composition, resulting in photographs that resonate on a deeper emotional level.

Enhanced Focus and Flow:

Contrary to popular belief, smoking marijuana can actually improve focus and concentration for some individuals. By quieting the noise of the mind and promoting a sense of flow, cannabis can help Fostoria photographers enter a state of "flow" where ideas flow freely, and creativity flourishes. Whether capturing the industrial landscapes near the railroads or the serene beauty of the reservoirs, marijuana-induced focus can lead to more inspired and compelling photographs.

Altered Perspectives:

One of the most intriguing aspects of smoking marijuana is its ability to alter perception. Colors may appear more vibrant, textures more tactile, and details more pronounced. As a Fostoria photographer, this altered state of perception opens up a world of creative possibilities. Experiment with different angles, focal lengths, and post-processing techniques to capture the unique beauty of downtown Fostoria or the industrial structures along the outskirts of town through marijuana-enhanced eyes.

Connecting with Your Subject:

Photography is as much about connecting with your subject as it is about technical skill. Whether immersing yourself in the bustling activity of downtown Fostoria or capturing the quiet solitude of the reservoirs, smoking marijuana can help break down barriers and foster a deeper sense of empathy and connection with your subjects. Cannabis-induced empathy can result in more authentic and emotive photographs that resonate with viewers on a visceral level.

Exploring New Techniques

The creative benefits of smoking marijuana extend beyond the act of shooting photos. Many Fostoria photographers find that cannabis enhances their willingness to experiment with new techniques and styles. From capturing the motion of trains along the railroads to experimenting with long exposure techniques at the reservoirs, marijuana can inspire photographers to push the boundaries of their craft and explore uncharted creative territory.

Responsible Consumption:

While there are undeniable benefits to incorporating marijuana into your photography practice, it's essential to consume responsibly and mindfully. Whether exploring downtown Fostoria or venturing out to the reservoirs, know your limits, respect local laws and regulations, and always prioritize safety, both for yourself and those around you. Remember that marijuana affects everyone differently, so listen to your body and adjust your consumption accordingly.


Smoking marijuana and photography may seem like an unlikely combination, but for many Fostoria photographers, it's a match made in creative heaven. By tapping into the enhanced sensory perception, altered states of consciousness, and heightened empathy that cannabis can provide, photographers can unlock new levels of creativity and capture images that transcend the ordinary. So the next time you pick up your camera, consider lighting up a joint and see where the journey takes you. The results may just surprise you.

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