Jason J. Row
23 Apr


In the heart of Ohio lies the charming town of Fostoria, a place where the natural world lives in harmony with its residents. As a Fostoria photographer, I’ve found joy in capturing the wildlife that thrives here. Among the most charismatic and engaging subjects are the squirrels, whose playful antics provide endless opportunities for photography. Through the lens, we’ll explore how to capture the essence of Fostoria’s wildlife, with local squirrels as our primary focus.

The Art of Capturing Fostoria's Wildlife

Photography in Fostoria is not limited to street scenes and landscapes; the town's wildlife offers a canvas brimming with life. Squirrels, in particular, are a delightful challenge due to their unpredictable nature and swift movements.

Key Tips:

  • Patience Is Key: Wildlife photography often requires waiting for the perfect moment. Patience pays off, especially when a curious squirrel decides to strike a pose.
  • Understanding Behavior: To capture compelling images of squirrels, understanding their behavior is essential. Knowing when they are most active during the day can lead to more dynamic photographs.

Gear Choices for Wildlife Photography in Fostoria

As a Fostoria photographer, choosing the right equipment is essential when photographing wildlife. The agility of squirrels demands gear that can keep up.

Recommended Gear:

  • Telephoto Lenses: To capture close-up images of squirrels without disturbing them, a telephoto lens is invaluable. For Nikon enthusiasts, lenses like the Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6 provide the reach and clarity needed for stunning wildlife shots.
  • Fast Shutter Speeds: Ensuring your camera settings are primed for fast shutter speeds will help freeze the quick movements of squirrels, capturing every detail down to the twitch of a tail.

The iPhone Advantage: When a Nikon camera isn't available, the iPhone steps up as a versatile tool for capturing wildlife. The latest iPhone models offer features like burst mode and telephoto lens attachments that allow for detailed, up-close photos of our furry friends.

In the Field: Finding and Photographing Squirrels

Fostoria's parks and wooded areas are prime locations for finding squirrels. The uploaded images of a squirrel nestled within the crook of a tree, enjoying a snack, and another capturing it alert and watchful, showcase the beauty of wildlife photography in Fostoria.

Field Techniques:

  • Stealth and Silence: Moving quietly and with minimal disturbance allows you to blend into the environment for natural shots.
  • Positioning for the Best Shot: Considering the background and light can help highlight the rich textures of a squirrel’s fur and its natural habitat.

Composing Wildlife Images

Composition in wildlife photography adds depth and interest, guiding the viewer’s eye through the scene.

Composition Tips:

  • Rule of Thirds: Positioning the squirrel off-center can create a more engaging photo.
  • Capturing Action: Anticipating and capturing squirrels in motion adds dynamism to your images.

Ethical Wildlife Photography Practices

Respecting our subjects is paramount in wildlife photography. Maintaining a safe distance and avoiding disruption are key to ethical practices.


  • Respect the Habitat: Preserve the integrity of the wildlife and their natural behaviors.
  • No Baiting: Attracting animals with food is discouraged; patience will yield the most genuine shots.

Post-Processing Wildlife Photographs

Post-processing can enhance your wildlife images, bringing out the details and colors that make your subjects stand out.

Editing Best Practices:

  • Minimal Adjustments: Keep edits subtle to maintain the natural appearance.
  • Highlighting the Subject: Use tools to draw focus to the squirrel, possibly adding a bokeh effect to mimic depth of field.


The squirrels of Fostoria offer a playful gateway into wildlife photography. Through practice and respect for nature, any Fostoria photographer can capture the beauty of our local fauna. These images of our furry neighbors showcase the joy and beauty that wildlife photography brings to both the photographer and viewers. Embrace the challenge, and let Fostoria's wildlife inspire your next photographic adventure.

A curious squirrel perched snugly in the nook of a tree, munching on a snack, against the soft, blurred backdrop of Fostoria's natural foliage.

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